In Memory of Amy Fong

It is with profound sadness that we share that Amy Fong passed away late Friday, October 11. Amy was an amazing woman. Her intellect evident and her kindness so well honed. Her compassion for family, friends and coworkers was heartfelt. Amy was the Chief Operations Officer of FCMAT's California School Information Services (CSIS).

Amy was a caring and empowering leader. Always attentive and contributing, Amy was an important part of our daily work lives. She was a mentor to all of us, taking us under her wing and gently guiding. Our individual and collective well-being and success were her interest. She was a mainstay of the FCMAT/CSIS organization for 24 years. Amy was a major contributor that helped frame who we are and what we do as an organizational family. Equally, Amy has been instrumental in how we are viewed and trusted by our clients and partners.

For nearly 30 years, Amy was one of the leading experts on educational data practices. Amy taught us that data is not isolated from people; rather, successful data practices are built upon and modeled after positive relationships among the people who source and use the data. Her impact on our collective work cannot be overstated. Therefore, this loss extends from being very personal to one that is magnified across our work and those we serve. One acknowledgment of Amy's enormous influence was when she was selected as the founding board chair of the state's newest student data initiative, Cradle-to-Career. She was the person everyone turned to for leadership and organization in beginning and continuing this initiative.

It is fitting that we remember Amy's medical challenges began several years ago with breast cancer. During this October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we pause to honor, celebrate and remember family and friends impacted by this disease. Amy and her family are foremost in our thoughts today.