Professional Learning

Small LEA CBO Mentor Program

What is the FCMAT Small LEA CBO Mentor Program?

The FCMAT Small Local Educational Agency (LEA) Chief Business Official (CBO) Mentor Program is FCMAT's newest professional development program, designed to help meet the need for qualified and well-trained California CBOs in LEAs with average daily attendance of 5,000 or less. This year-long program will run concurrently with FCMAT's existing CBO Mentor Program, providing classroom training in 12 two-day sessions (Friday afternoons and Saturdays).

The program is unique because of the following:
  • Participants are nominated and selection is competitive.
  • Each participant is teamed with an experienced mentor who has small LEA experience.
  • Training involves hands-on experience with differentiated activities designed to build the knowledge and skills unique to small LEAs.
  • Participants are able to build and benefit from a larger professional network by spending time with the participants in the existing CBO Mentor Program.
  • There is no tuition cost to participate; each participant and/or their LEA must cover travel expenses (FCMAT underwrites the program costs of this professional learning activity).

The goal of the FCMAT Small LEA CBO Mentor Program is to help California LEAs fill CBO vacancies with qualified CBOs. FCMAT ensures that the training curriculum is updated annually to reflect the current functions and responsibilities required of a CBO, and the program meets the California Association of School Business Officials' (CASBO's) CBO exam eligibility requirements.

Are you interested in becoming a participant?

The selection committee considers the viability of the applications and the strength of the nominations. A significant consideration is having a balanced cohort that includes various geographic regions of the state; district, county office and charter school experience; fiscal and nonfiscal roles; and other factors. Space in the program is limited.

If not selected, candidates are encouraged to reapply the following year.

Do you work in or aspire to work in a larger LEA? 

Click here for information on the main CBO Mentor Program.

"One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination." — John C. Maxwell